There have been translations of the Bible into different variants of Norwegian. Editions of the Bible have been made in Norway into old Norwegian, Danish, Nynorsk, Bokmål.
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At the end of the 13th century, some parts of the Old Testament were translated into Old Norse. This translation was later to be called "Stjórn", which means government. The translation is more of a paraphrase than a strict translation. The translations were probably done at the court of king Haakon V. Only two Icelandic handwritings of the text are known today.
The text was published in Norway by C. R. Unger in 1862, and the edition influenced later translations of the Bible into Norwegian.[1]
The Bible of Christian II was the next Bible to be published in Denmark-Norway. It was published in 1524 under the name Thette higher density Careful testamenth on Danish guidelines effter Latin vdsatthe. Christian II was at this point in Wittenberg where he was inspired by Reformation, and had begun a translation work. The translation was done by Christiern Winter, Hans Mikkelsen and Henrik Smith, and Melchior Lotter accounted for printing. The language of this translation is not good, the Dane is poor. The translation was made based on Erasmus of Rotterdam's Latin Bible translation of 1516 for Gospels and Acts and Luther's German New Testament of the rest. The release was met with harsh criticism because of this, but also because of an attack on the King Frederick I in the preface as well as a petition against the Catholic Church in Denmark. This petition caused this issue of the New Testament banned in Denmark. Today, if one knows only about 40 copies of this translation
'Christiern Pedersen's New Testament,was published in Danish in Antwerp in Netherlands in 1529. Christiern Pedersen's version of New Testament was an important issue in the work of a full Danish translation. In this work he used Vulgate as a starting point, but were also inspired by Luther translation German, the so-called "Luther Bible". Pedersen was "reformkatolikk" and so it is important that the Bible was translated into the vernacular. The translation is quite free, and the language has become a daily note. This edition was revised in 1531.
After these two editions of the Bible, the translation that is named after King Christian III and editions that were based on this which was the dominant Bibles in Denmark and Norway for a period of time.
King Christian III was behind the first edition in which the Bible had been translated into Danish. The basis for this edition was Pedersen translation of the New Testament from 1529, a translation he had made of Psalms in 1531 his silence 's translation of Genesis from 1535 and two complete, never published translations of the Bible, one of Pedersen and one of the maids from 1543. The final version was compiled by a commission of theologian, and was published in 1550. Another name for this Bible translation is the Reformation, Bible and the Bible were people of Denmark and Norway for a long time. It is largely based on Luther's translation from 1545, but also the Low German e Luther translation from 1534 and the Swedish Bible translation that is named after Gustav Vasa, has been used. One has a focus on fluency, while one would be working at the basic texts. The result is considered very good.[2] The Bible was illustrated, and also contained some cross-references. The price of the book was 5 valley, which corresponded to a good bull or thirty barrels rye. By about 3000 copies were pressed, the 96 have come to Norway.
A new edition of the New Testament came in 1558. This is largely a reprint of 1550 edition, but this is also Martin Luther's preface to the different fonts and more notes included.
Frederick II's Bible was published by King Frederick II in 1589. There was a slightly revised version of the 1550-edition, and contained the New Testament, as it was released in 1558, in addition to the Old Testament, also with Luther's preamble. It had also included Luther chapter summaries for each chapter, and a Bible dictionary. Standard edition appeared linguistically less German than its predecessor. It had also undergone a process of many language errors and misprints had been weeded out.
Christian IV's Bible, related to King Christian IV, was published in 1633. This was the revision of the 1589-translation Resen really should have been made (see below), and it was also he who was responsible for the translation. Mon was now back to a simpler language recognition.
Frederik III's Huus and Rejs-Bible was a smaller, more convenient format than previous editions. It came out in 1670, and is based on Luther's translation of 1545 and the Danish translations from 1589 and 1633. The translation was popular and appeared in new editions, the last in 1802.
A new translation family who had a very important position in the Danish-Norwegian biblical tradition, was the one who is named after theology professor Hans Poulsen Resen. He was initially only revise the translation from 1589, but instead ended up with translating the Bible from the base languages. The translation was published in 1607 and was very accurate, but had a stiff and difficult language, as he lay close to the basic texts. He put such words that were in the basic text, but that was necessary to give meaning in Danish, in parentheses. Edition had also, for the first time in Denmark-Norway, the later traditional division into verses. This did, along with all the brackets, it was a very messy text image. Edition also contained a lot of explanations and interpretations in the margins.
Resen was most interested in the basic text, and language translation is referred to as "Hebrew-Danish" and "Greek-Danish".[3] The translation is very accurate, but difficult to understand. Despite, or because of this, was the translation very much praise when it came. In retrospect, it has however been criticized, and the Danish Bible translator Tomas Skat Rørdam said of Resen "that which of all Denmark's renown Mænd never have been some who have written so barbaricstruggled Danishthat he"[4]
The Resen-Svaningske Bible was published in 1647 and is a revision of Resen Bible from 1607. The audit was made by Hans Swan, and has been named by both translators. This translation became the official Bible Church in the Danish-Norwegian church.
The Resen-Svaningske Bible in the revised edition was published in 1740. This version was used as the basis for later printings, and was the dominant translation in Norway until the Norwegian translations came. The Norwegian Bible Society published revised versions of it in 1820 and 1830 and a version was edited and published by Olaus Nielsen in 1853.
The Norwegian Bible Society was founded in 1816 and saw it as their main task is to publish Bibles for the Norwegian market. It was thought primarily to revise the Danish versions that existed. In 1820 released their first edition, a revised edition of the New Testament. This became known as "the revision of 1819" because it says "1819" on title page. Edition is remarkable, since all the text that probably was not a basic text was marked with brackets. A distinction is also fromTextus Receptuson some points, which was specifically for the present.
This tradition was continued in an edition that was published in 1830, where even several paragraphs were in brackets. This was very unusual compared to other church Bibles, and eventually became regarded as intolerable. The NT edition, published in 1848 were all traces of textual criticism away.
The British Bible Society, which at that time also operated in Norway, published two Bible versions for distribution in Norway at this time. In 1829 and in 1834]. These differed from the other versions that were used in Denmark and Norway in that they had omitted the Apocrypha. For a long time it was sold several Bibles from the British than the Norwegian Bible company in Norway.
Bible Society Norwegian Bible. The Norwegian Bible Society said now that they had to publish a complete Bible translation, and in 1854, their Norwegian Bible as though the name was not in Norwegian. It was however the first Norwegian-produced version of the Bible. The New Testament is based on a version of "the Resen-Svaningske", published in 1830, while the Old Testament is by a Danish version of the 'Resen-Svaningske "from 1740. This was the same edition as the British Bible the company had used. The Bible was, despite the name, a Danish Bible, and was also very popular in Denmark until it came a new Danish review in 1871.
"The skaarske audit" of the New Testament was published in 1873. The work is performed by the priest John Nilssøn Skaar. Version is known for a strong assimilation of biblical language, nor in a moreidiomaticdirection, ie more focus on the importance of what is in the basic text than the text itself. It has also cut out of the brackets around the words that were in the basic text, but was necessary to reveal the meaning.
Picture-Bible of the Norwegian people, indeholdende the Holy Scripture canonical Bøgerwas published privately in Christiania in 1840. The Bible was illustrated with 100 photographs, and was mainly based on the so-called "Reformation Bible."
The first part of the Bible, published in Norwegian was Apocrypha. These books "fell out" of canon in Reformation, but is still held high by most Protestant churches. In the Catholic Church the books considered as canon pulsory. Edition appeared in 1873, and was a test translation, which was a revision of the translation from the 1850s that was never released. A new revision was released in 1887. In 1891 translation of the Old Testament is also the Apocrypha, as the first official version of these books from the Bible Society. An audit was then released in 1940, before the next translation was in 1988. In 1994 published the Bible Society left a Bible edition with both the apocryphal and the canonical writings in Norwegian.
The first Norwegian biblical texts came to dialect, then Ivar Aasen translated the story of the prodigal son to the new written language in 1859.
Pioneers in the Bible work in dialect was not the Bible Society, as one would like to expect, but a group målkjempere gathered in the vicinity of The Norwegian Samlaget. There was also this publishing one who gave out the first editions of the Bible in a Norwegian written language.
Work on The New Testament of the national idiom started in the 1880s by a group of translators. The work was not driven by it when speaking conservative Bible Society, but by the Norwegian Samlaget who had taken the initiative to work, and received state aid for this. Beyond the 80's they released several books of writings from the New Testament. The first of these pamphlets was Romans, which was published in 1882. In 1889 the whole New Testament was ready for release. Everything was translated from Greek, and it was titledThe New Testament. Umsett from the Greek text in Norwegian vernacular and Published by the Prime Cost of the Norwegian Samlaget. This was the first Norwegian translation of the New Testament any form of language, it did not come out before in 1904. Pioneers in this work was minister and professor Elias Blix, text scientist John Belsheim and school man Matias Skard. In addition, Ivar Aasen, FWK Bugge and C.R. Unger in an advisory committee that helped in the work. As a basic text were usedTextus Receptus. The language of the translation was characterized by the Danish syntax, then Norwegianization increasingly applied to words than sentence structure. The language was also influenced by Old Norse and Old Norse Bible, Stjørna.
This dialect became law as equivalent to riksmål in 1892 gave the Bible Society the biblical texts on language forms. They gave out an audit of the New Testament in the 1899, mainly audited by Elias Blix. He then went on to work with the Psalms, which he did until he died in 1902. The work was then taken over by Peter Hognestad. Hognestad translated also Proverbs and Ecclesiastes in its entirety to the Norwegian, in addition to many smaller pieces of text.
In 1904 came asSalmarne. Umsette from Hebrewout. Psalm 1-51 was translated by Blix and hymn 52-150 of Hognestad. The following year there was an edition that contained both the Psalms and New Testament, beforethe New Testament with bilætewas published in 1908.
Alexander Seippel had initiated work on the first complete translation of the Bible into Norwegian. He began to grips with the Old Testament. Seippel used a vibrant and popular language, and said that the language would be "so folkelegt that advice was, therefore, I put my guy that I inkjet would write a sentence that I inkjet knew or believed that a Norwegian farmer could say"[5]
As Seip Coat work progressed, the biblical books published in booklet form. First of Samlaget, then from 1915 by Bible Society. Pentateuch came in turn from 1905 to 1912, and after this followed the other biblical books. Seippel has a reputation as a very good translator. Aage Holter says that "[i] Alexander Seippel reached the Norwegian Bible translation is the highest ever achieved"[6]
Fyre Car Bible, as the first complete Bible translation in nynorsk often called, came in 1921. Nor did this time was the Bible Society who gave it, but Student target layer. Several translators had contributed, even if Seippel and Hognestad had done most of the translation work, while Gustav Indrebø was responsible for legal writing.
Seippel continued efforts to translate the writings of Norwegian. This was necessary, as several writings in the Bible of 1921 was not translated because the languages, but from the other Nordic languages. It was therefore more books with simple stories translated by Seippel. This was a good translation, which was also used during the work on the 1978 translation.
"Indrebø translation" was published in 1938 when the Norwegian Bible Society for the first time gave the Bible in Norwegian. The translation is often abbreviatedNO38. They then gave out a revised version of 1921 version, but much of what was typical of Seip Coat language was toned down in order to harmonize the language with the Norwegian translation, published in 1930. The translation has been nicknamed "Indrebø Bible" or "Indrebø translation" because of two brothers who both played a central role in the work, Ragnvald Indrebø, which later became Bishop in Bjorgvin Diocese and Gustav Indrebø was Professor in Norwegian.
In 1891 wasthe first full translation of the Old Testament to the Norwegian', made directly from the basic languages. In this work, which lasted for 50 years, also translated the Apocrypha, and when these were released together with the Old Testament was the Bible Society's first official version of them. The work of translation was done by Wilhelm Andreas Wexels and Jens Matthias Pram Kaurin. Wexels had previously been behind the British organized the audit that was released in 1834. These two translators estimated initially work to take five years, but it took about fifty. They delivered a draft of the individual books to an audit committee, which then in turn considered the translation. The committee consisted mostly of teachers from the Faculty of Theology, and of them was Carl Paul Caspari, which was the most important. He was partly behind the chapter summaries before each chapter. As the different parts were approved, they came out in the booklets. In 1869 was the Old Testament published as a sample translation. The final version came in 1891, with "the issue" in 1888.
The translation was met with skepticism, both from those who felt that it was bad language in the translation, as Bishop A. Christian Bang, and the Faculty of Theology, which were critical to the text basis had been selected for translation.
A translation ofThe New Testament Wikipedia'was worked on in parallel with this work. This was already in 1870 given to a professor in the NT Jacob Frederick Dietrichson, who died in 1879. He submitted a proposal, and his successor as NT professor, Frederick William Bugge was in 1886 the task of completing this translation. Bugge, then both had to look over the Dietrichson had done and translate the rest, was a champion of the Norwegian language. Dietrichson had kept strictly to theTextus Receptus, while Bugge selected older and better text testifies to his translation. Bugge was then bishop of Oslo in 1893, and translates the job was then handed over to Sigurd Odland, which remained closer to theTextus Receptus. The last ten years work was carried out by an audit committee consisting of the theological professors A. Chr. Bang, Sigurd Odland and Elias Blix and language man Johan Storm. In 1904 NT came out, as the first official translation of the New Testament . This was for the first time the Bible was translated from the basic text.
The translation is close toTextus Receptusand there are attempts to render a word in the basic text with the same Norwegian word every time it occurs. In spite of this a little strange translation principle, the translation a relatively good Norwegian language sounds.
Bible Society 1930-translation (NO30) came, as its name says in 1930, and was a release where they had gone through the NT from 1904 and even more so the GT from 1891, and given the linguistic revisions, and then publish them together. In this issue, the language was even more Norwegianized, and the two Testaments had a more unified Norwegian expression. The audit was led by Bang and Odland, but they also had the help of Alexander Seippel, who had worked hard to translate the Bible into Norwegian. The translation follows the orthographic norms of 1917, and stood as the "Bible people" for over 40 years. Despite this opinion Eivind Berggrav, bishop of the Diocese of Oslo, already in 1939 that the language was not good NOK and that it should work with a new translation.
It has also been published translations of the Bible bokmål other than the Bible Society. The motivation for and results of, these releases have varied, but some have been important translations.
GTMMM, or S. Michl, Sigmund Mowinckel and N. Messel scholarly edition of the Old Testament in five volumes came out from 1929 to 1963. The nameGTMMMthe issue by their authors. This is a scholarly edition with text-critical notes and comments, and often have other text critical choice than that found in the "people issues". Edition follows an idiomatic translation principle, and was important in the work of the 1978 translation.
John Brown Sounds, Professor of NT, gave in 1945 fromThe New Testament in a new translation. The text has never been used by many, but it was used during the work on the 1978 translation.
From the Catholic communities in Norway, there have been three translations of the New Testament in Norwegian. In 1902 was NT translated from the LatinVulgate. The translation was done by the priest and later bishop Olaf Offer Dahl. This translation was then revised and came in a new edition of 1938. The full name was The New Testament canonical books sold after the Vulgate and provided with explanation. In the explanations were given for how this vulgatabaserte text differed from the Greek NT texts.
Gunnes' NT was in 1968 published by the priest Erik Gunnes. Gunnes had translated the entire New Testament itself, and the translation was approved for use in the Catholic Church. The translation came out in paperback edition in 1969. Gunnes was more academic and conservative in wording than youth translation that had come out earlier. Gunnes' translation was "carefully studied the work of GB 1978-1985"[7]
The so-calledActa-translationof NT was published in 1973, and the goal was to publish the New Testament in modern Norwegian. The environment of this translation was characterized by people with links to Lunde publishing and Gideon's efforts to distribute Bibles in hotels. Parts of this environment was found later again among those who stood behind the Norwegian Bible.
New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures are Jehovah's Witnesses s Bible translation. The whole Bible was in Norwegian in 1996, after an edition of the New Testament was published in 1992. The translation into English is made from the basic languages, but those who stood for the translation remain anonymous. Translations into other languages is based largely on the English. The translation differs from other translations, among other things, that God's name is renderedJehovah, both in the OT and NT.
Bible God's Word, also known as the "Norwegian King James" was published by Bible publishing house in 1997. Prior to that, the same publishing company released NT in 1995, a translation that was included in this release. The Bible the Word of Godis different from other Norwegian translation by adding the so-calledTextus Receptusas a basis for the translation.
Jacob Jervell gave, on behalf of The Norwegian book clubs in 2002 a translation of the four Gospels in the series World Scriptures. This edition has been known for the debate that arose around the Jervell use of the word Gehenna, instead of Hell.
WorkYouth translation of the NT was founded by Eivind Berggrav, which was the bishop of Oslo in 1937, and with this position came at this time the position as chairman of the Bible Society's central. He believed that the language in translations from the 1930 and '38 were not youthful NOK, and he was thus initiated a project to create a translation for youth. Berggrav suggested that efforts should be made in two stages: first a rapid linguistic revision of the translation had been, and so a new, complete translation of basic languages. War delayed the work, but from 1949 the work was well underway, and a trial version of the Gospel of Mark was released in 1951. Youth version of the entire NT came out in 1959, the same year Berggrav died, and the issue of nynorsk came in 1961. Both translations received much praise for good language, and this work, much of the backdrop for the translation, published in 1978. Language had been deliberately made the syntax more Norwegian, which separates the language from both the Danish language Bible, which had been the tone generating up to this, and syntax because languages. This meant that they would be more Norwegian language guidance in this translation than in previous translations.
This translation appeared in 1975 as an illustrated edition under the nameHappy Holidays. The New Testament of people today.This was an issue where the emphasis was placed on readability, and it was therefore printed, among other things, with larger letters than the other editions. The illustrations of Annie Vallotton was used in several similar Bible editions in several languages. Edition was popular, and was much used in schools. It came out in several editions, and was also re-released in 2005, with the 2005 translation of the NT.
Bible Society 1978 translation (NO78) got laid much of the basis of secondary translation. This translation was a fullsetndig revision of previous translations, and was the second point in Berggravs plan. Bible Society decided to start work in 1954, and 1956 let Mon basic principles of the new Bible translation and started work. The next translation was to have a vibrant and modern languages. The translation should this time be idiom atisk, it means that you should put greater emphasis on getting the meaning of the basic text, and do not translate word-for-word.
After that you had translated parts of the Bible, was released test versions. In 1966 wasSelection of the Old Testamentin both forms, Psalms in 1967 andThus saith the Lord. The twelve prophets, in both forms of 1973. These issues were with introduction and notes in the text. From the New Testament was also published several trial versions, before the entire New Testament was in both Bokmål and Nynorsk in 1975, and the whole Bible was published in 1978. Before the final release in 1978, there were consultations among ministers, theologians and linguists, and some changes were made to test editions. The final approval was made by the Bible Society's central board, which consisted of, among others, all the bishops in The Norwegian Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Free Church of Norway representatives. The translation was very well received, and the Swedish bishop Bo Giertz asserted that it was the best Bible translation.[8] It was a great influence on the Nordic Bible translation, and was important when Sweden and Denmark got new Bible translations, respectively 2000 and 1992. The 1978 translation was also one of the first in the world who used the so-called gender-inclusive language in which the basic text was used masculine language, but obviously had meant both sexes. "Brothers" was therefore "brothers and sisters" in some cases.
In 1985 there was an easier revised edition of this translation, which means that one can often see it referred to as 1978/85-utgaven.
The last translation;Bible 2011 launched 19 October 2011. The first part of this translation,NT05, was published in 2005 when the Bible Society released NT in a new translation. In this translation one returns to a more concordant language in relation to the basic texts.
The Norwegian Bible Society has also produced translations in Sami and other languages.